Re: "Program Files" folder

On 21 Apr 2011, at 12:20, David NeÄas wrote:

Your distro is quite eccentric.  The usual convention is that mere users
have write permissions to
- anywhere in their homes
- temporary directories (/tmp, /var/tmp)
- a few other places in /var such as /var/spool/mail/$USER
- removable media mounted by the user (if permitted)

Thanks David.  I just checked OpenSuse which I've got installed on a different machine.  For OpenSuse, 
"/bin", "/opt" and "/usr/bin" are not accessible to me as a mere user.  However, "/usr/local/bin" is fully 
accessible to everyone.  As with 64studio, /bin and /usr/bin seem mostly to contain OS related apps whereas 
/usr/local/bin seems to contain stuff that I've installed using automake.  Two distros is still only a small 
sample though....


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