Re: Notebooks and page numbers

On Mon, 2010-08-02 at 20:22 +0800, Gregory Hosler wrote:

a pages page number can and will change whenever it's position in the number
sequence 0 to N-1 changes.
Are there situations where something internal to GTK will change this?
To be more specific, if I'm interested in page 2 (and have that page
number in a variable somewhere) and *I* don't make any changes to the
page order, delete or add any pages, is it safe to assume it will
*always* be page 2?

It's not so hard a concept, and is the only way that makes any sense when you
think about it from a development / implementation point of view.
I'm don't recall saying it's hard, but the docs don't answer my specific
questions.  As for this being "the only way that makes any sense", we'll
see how hard I get shafted by it.

Does GTK perhaps have another way to represent what most people call
"tabs" in an application?


Author of Genesys, a Free Universal Paper and Pencil RPG.

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