Re: Notebooks and page numbers

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On 08/02/2010 07:34 PM, Jeff Clough wrote:
Reading the docs, it looks like every page of a notebook has a
zero-based index number I can easily retrieve.  It also look like there
are ways to re-order the pages in a notebook which may, or may not,
change the indexes of these pages.

What are the "rules" as to how these pages are numbered and how those
numbers can be altered?  If I have four pages and the second one gets
removed, do I now have pages with indexes 0, 1 and 2?  Are there any
situations where the numbers of these pages would be changed out from
under me?  Any guidance here would be great.

from experience, pages are ALWAYS numbered from 0 to N-1

a pages page number can and will change whenever it's position in the number
sequence 0 to N-1 changes.

It's not so hard a concept, and is the only way that makes any sense when you
think about it from a development / implementation point of view.

In your specific example, starting with 4 pages, numbered from 1 thru 3, when
one is removed, the remaining 3 pages are numbered 0 thru 2. If it was the last
page that was removed, then there is no change to the number of any page. If it
was a page other than the last, then all pages after the removed page will
shuffle down.

All the best,

- -Greg


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| Greg Hosler                                   ghosler redhat com    |
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