Re: how to browse values from a GtkListStore ?


Sorry this written in multiple separate functions, I can't paste it easily.
There is no gtk function that do that ?? We can set values in the store but we
can't get !

I don't need your functions in their entirety. What I need to know in
order to help you is how did you create your list store (just paste a
single line of code that uses gtk_list_store_new function) and one
sample call that adds data to store (again, all I need is a single
sample line with gtk_list_store_set function call). Without this
information, I cannot offer you more detailed help.

And thinking about your problem again, you may also be interested in
this tutorial:, since
I feel like you don't know exactly how GtkTreeIter, GtkTreePath and
various stores fit together.


Tadej BorovÅak
tadeboro gmail com
tadej borovsak gmail com

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