Re: Makeing librsvg work (bizp2.dll missing)

And the waste of space argument is so last century.
Wast of space is somewhat outdated, you are right. But larger packages
need to be transmitted, and I heard rumours there are areas (somewhere
outside Europe) which do not have Gigabit to the household ;-)
Not everyone is free from the space issue.  Some people using ultra-small laptops can be running a full 
desktop version of software, but still have sub-desktop resources.

What I don't understand, is why GTK+ doesn't come with its own installer that lets the user choose, 
application- or system- wide...  I for one would much prefer all my GTK+ applications to look the same as 
they do on Linux.  Having a global GTK+ install would help there.  I understand that's not the Windows Way, 
but it's supposed to be, if you listen to the Microsoft propaganda...


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