Dashboard layout

Hi all, i'm developing a dashboard and i need some advices about its
The dashboard is composed by 5 widgets, each one is a drawing area used to
display stuff such as icons or text.
Everything seems to be ok apart from a couple of things:
1 - What if i want to set a dashboard-background to be displayed _under_ the
other drawing areas? I tought about placing all the drawing areas inside a
GtkLayout but the result is not as espected: i get the default grey background
on the parts of the drawing areas wich are left uncolored.
2 - one of the widgets i need to create is used as video-streaming: how could i
place a drawing area floating over another one (the above used to display o
porttrait around the top one owned by gstreamer for the streaming)? I suppose
the answer could be a GtkLayout..

Have you got any suggestions about the implementation of the dashboard?
What about my thoughts about it? are they right?
Thanks in advance


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