RE: Why is ChangeValue reentrant on a gtk_dialog_run?

Someone was nice enough to point out that outlook/exchange has caused me to thread-jack.  I'll come up with 
an example and post under a new thread. 

-----Original Message-----
From: David Nečas [mailto:yeti physics muni cz] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 4:00 PM
To: Boggess Rod
Cc: GTK Devel
Subject: Re: Why is ChangeValue reentrant on a gtk_dialog_run?

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 03:53:29PM -0400, Boggess Rod wrote:
I think this is a bug.  I'm running Gtk 2.6 on HPUX.  When 
I create a 
callback for an HScale's "change-value", and within the callback I 
create a dialog using gtk_message_dialog_new, whether I invoke the 
dialog via gtk_dialog_run or via gtk_widget_show_all, the dialog 
causes the HScale's "change-value" callback to trigger, creating an 
endless loop.

Please post a minimal example exhibiting the problem.


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