Re: Makeing librsvg work (bizp2.dll missing)

Bundling GTK+ with your app is not an unnecessary hardship for the
developer since one has to build against a GTK+ environment anyway that
one had to assemble.

Yeah, but a clarification: the GTK+ environment one *builds* against
is of course a *development* one, not a *runtime* one. They don't
necessarily overlap at all (there is after all on Windows the
separation of import library vs runtime DLL), and you don't
necessarily run the app on the machine where you have built it
(especially true, of course, in a cross-compilation setup).

(Let's not mix in the potential need for installers of GTK+
development environments for varios kinds of build environments in
this discussion.)

I hope you can see why Tor and others are correct when
they strongly recommend against a common runtime install, and why there
will never be an official shared runtime.  But what you do is your own

While I otherwise agree with Michael, I must oppose this point. If at
some point the majority of maintainers of installers for GTK+ apps on
Windows have agreed upon a common way to do a shared install (and
handle upgrades?) of the GTK+ runtime, and it works fine for their
applications (despite the doubts currently expressed by me and
others), I don't see why that wouldn't be "official" then. There isn't
really any authority that would decide what is "official" and what


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