Re: Makeing librsvg work (bizp2.dll missing)

Hartmut Goebel wrote:
Please note: Your arguments are sheer technical ones. You are ignoring
the "marking" side. But for me, your arguments simply do not count,
since I simply want to *use* GTK for my application.  Currently this is
very, very tremulous (again see my other postings these weeks). I do not
want to build up a large infrastructure just to maintain the toolkit. I
want to improve my application! This pain has grown that big, that I
thing about moving to QT instead.
What is the "marking[sic]" side?  Do you mean "marketing?"  If so then
there aren't really any marketing cases for an official system-wide
runtime installation.

Even for Visual Basic apps the recommended course is to bundle the
runtime with your app (in the app's folder), since there are now so many
versions floating around.  Also I believe MS even recommends you ship
the version of msvcrt you are using with your app rather than rely on a
system-wide one, as a new version of the runtime ships with every
version of visual studio.

I think your points about keeping dependencies, such as zlib, up to date
is well-taken, but the rest of your points seem to be about getting Tor
to do your work for you.  I have produced several programs on win32
(never did installer in these cases though; just zipped up the app
folder with GTK inside it).  It's not that big of a deal.  I just built
up my cross-development environment with the zip files that Tor provides
out of the goodness of his heart--now SuSE and Fedora both ship fairly
complete cross versions of GTK+.  After compiling, I copied all the
necessary DLLs to the app folder, added the share and etc folders, and I
was done.  There wasn't any large infrastructure to maintain, other than
keeping the dlls up to date, but a simple script does that by copying
the dlls from my cross environment.  Even after following this entire
thread I'm still unsure of why you are in such pain!

I'm not sure how you think QuickTime is going to help you, but if you're
thinking of using the Qt GUI toolkit, I think you'll find that Qt solves
none of these issues either.  As far as the issue that this thread is
debating, Qt, like GTK+, recommends that you ship the Qt DLLs and
supporting files in your app's own folder--there is no official Qt
runtime installer.  The Qt runtime is about the same size as GTK+'s.
I've also built one fair sized Qt program that I support on Windows.
Like with my GTK apps, after building in the cross environment, I have a
simple shell script that copies the Qt DLLs and supporting files to the
app folder and I'm away.  In one projects I've also uses nsis to make a
nice installer for my app and it's DLL dependencies.

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