Re: Makeing librsvg work (bizp2.dll missing)

Tor Lillqvist schrieb:
That sounds straight forward enough.  And a hell of a lot better than the current situation.
By all means, go ahead then and create a project aiming at this, and
convince all distributors of installers for GTK+-using software to
cooperate with you.
This is a killer phrase!

I would prefer to include an existing GTK installer for my software, but
there is no one I can rely on (see my other posting the last week). If
there is no official installer provided by the GTK project, everybody
has to bundle GTK by himself.

It is, unfortunately, so that new versions of GLib, Pango or GTK+
often introduce subtle regressions especially on Windows. (On Unix /
X11 this is much less of a problem.) Some of these regressions then
might be especially troublesome for a particular application. Thus one
application might want to stay with specifically GLib 2.16.6 (to pick
an arbitrary example), while another application again requires new
API in GLib 2.18. Etc.
I'm quite sure even Windows could handle several parallel GTK
installations ;-)

How hard would it be to provide a "GTK sub-installer"
For which installer-writing technology? Windows Installer (a.k.a MSI)
(perhaps with the WiX front-end), NSIS, InnoSetup, InstallShield?
(Just to mention the best known (?).) Or something totally different,
new and improved?
These are "only" four sub-installers. Not that much work for those who
are knowledgeable to write installer-scripts.

Please note: Your arguments are sheer technical ones. You are ignoring
the "marking" side. But for me, your arguments simply do not count,
since I simply want to *use* GTK for my application.  Currently this is
very, very tremulous (again see my other postings these weeks). I do not
want to build up a large infrastructure just to maintain the toolkit. I
want to improve my application! This pain has grown that big, that I
thing about moving to QT instead.

Schönen Gruß - Regards
Hartmut Goebel
Dipl.-Informatiker (univ.), CISSP, CSSLP

Goebel Consult
Spezialist für IT-Sicherheit in komplexen Umgebungen

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