Re: How do I unsubscribe??

John Emmas wrote:
How do I unsubscribe from this list?

I went to this web page:-

Correct site, listed at the bottom of every email message.

which contains a section where new users can subscribe.  However, that
section doesn't allow me to unsubscribe.

Further down the page there's an option for unsubscribing - but the text at
the head of that section suggests that it can only be used by
administrators.  Undaunted, I entered my email address and followed the

That "only available to the list administrator" comment only applies to the first item under "gtk-app-devel-list Subscribers" - View Subscribers List. The second item, "To unsubscribe", is for all subscribers.

> During the past week I've tried all my email addresses but no matter what
info I enter, I always get a message saying that an email has been sent to
me - but no email ever arrives.

You are entering email addresses that are not subscribed, so it is silently ignoring your request. You should be able to determine which of your email addresses is subscribed by the account that receives all these list emails.

Guy Rouillier

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