Re: GtkSourceView build for Windows?

Could this ommision [ of -mms-bitfields ] be the source of my problems?

The -mms-bitfields flag is mentioned both in the glib-2.0.pc and
gtk+-2.0.pc files in the Win32 packages for them, so as the
gtksourceview packages are presumably built with mingw and the
"normal" autofoo etc, it should have come from there.

Does anyone use GtkSourceView successfully on Windows platform?

I just tried to build using MSVS8 (MSVS 2005) the test-widget program
from gtksourceview-2.2.1 against both the 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 packages
from It works fine, no problems...

Contrary to what I believed, apparently import libraries produced by
the mingw toolchain (.dll.a files) are *not* usable directly as import
libraries for MSVS just by copying them under a .lib name instead. At
least not with MSVS8. So I had to create an import library for
libgtksourceview-2.0-0.dll using pexports and lib instead, which is

FYI, the command line I ended up using was:

cl -MD -Zi
-Ic:/devel/dist/win32/atk-1.22.0/include/atk-1.0 -I
/opt/win_iconv/include test-widget.c -link
/libpath:c:/devel/dist/win32/atk-1.22.0/lib gtksourceview-2.0.lib
gtk-win32-2.0.lib xml2.lib gdk-win32-2.0.lib gdk_pixbuf-2.0.lib
pangocairo-1.0.lib pango-1.0.lib cairo.lib gobject-2.0.lib
gthread-2.0.lib glib-2.0.lib

where the c:/devel/dist/win32/* folders are where I keep unzipped the
corresponding packages from I obviously didn't
laboriously type this by hand, but used pkg-config --msvc-syntax. I
edited out some libraries not actually needed.


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