Re: GLib questions, GArray and GNode

On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 10:01 -0700, Kaustubh Patil wrote:

I am using glib (version 2.0) for developing some
applications. I have some questions about use of
Garray and GNode (G-n-ary tree).

1. Is it safe to return an initialized GArray * from a
function? e.g. copying garray array1 into garray
array2 and then returning pointer to array2.

2. For n-ary tree, is it possible to add strings
(static) as data?

3. Is it possible to add a structure as data in
n-ary-tree? If yes, how to the functions like
g_node_find work?

Thanks in advance,

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1. Yes, just keep in mind to free any temporary data, and that garray2
will have to be freed by whatever needs the copy.

2. You can add anything as data (answers 3 also) data is just a pointer
to the "actual data". to clarify.. no you cannot add an "int". but you
can add a pointer to an int* or &int, string, GList, etc.

3. yes.. just add a pointer to your structure as ->data and typecast
where needed.

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