Re: OpenGL, GtkGlArea, GtkGLExt

On Wednesday 05 March 2008 18:37:22 Carlos Pereira wrote:
I just ported my app (more than 200,000 lines, totally independent and
unlimited number of OpenGL areas, sharing pre-compiled OpenGL lists,
etc.) last night from Gtkglarea to Gtkglext, so I am in a good position
to highlight the differences, from the user's point of view.
This is ALL that is needed, to port applications from Gtkglarea to

Gtkglext looks slightly more lower level and flexible than Gtkglarea,
closer to the (X) metal as they say, but for users differences are small

That was very interesting, thank you. Perhaps the authors of the OCaml 
bindings is being too optimistic in wanting to bind the entire functionality 
of GlExt (which is pointless, IMHO) and could do something similar.

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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