Re: GTK Progress bar: assistance pls.

Bin Chen wrote:

å 2008-01-07äç 13:18 +0530ïvijayasarathy setsindia netåéï
                //g_print("i = (%d)\n",i);
                while(j<100000)//To kill time, keep counting until a
                j = 0;//Make j 0 for the next loop.
                pdata->fraction = (gdouble)i/(gdouble)(range);

                //gtk_progress_bar_pulse (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR
(pdata->pbar),pdata->fraction );
                gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR
        }//End for i = start_count to end_count

For this code snippet, you update all your progress in the loop and not
yield the control to gtk_main(), this is the problem.

IOW you don't let gtk draw the UI until you are done with the button callback. You should not block in the main gtk thread (the one where you called gtk_main() from). Always return as fast as possible from callbacks. Don't wait, don't block on anything.

You should not write code like this, using a timer to update the
progress bar instead of this loop, otherwise the drawing instruction
will be pending due to your full control of CPU.

I suggest you use threads, they are easy to do with glib. When the user clicks the button, create a thread and give it the progress bar widget. In the thread do the loop and in ever iteration update the progress bar. Pay attention to thread safety, use thread synchronization primitives like mutexes (GMutex) when needed. I'm not very familiar with gtk and threads, but IIRC gtk isn't thread safe by default.


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