Re: question on using GtkCellRendererProgress

On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 10:27:03PM +0800, Gregory Hosler wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Mike Massonnet wrote:
| On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 09:29:26PM +0800, Gregory Hosler wrote:
|> Hash: SHA1
|> Hi all,
|> I've got a gtk_list_store, and one of the columns I want to make a progress meter.
|> I'm gathering that I use teh cell rendered GtkCellRendererProgress for this column. But I
|> have 2 points of confusion.
|> 1) When I create the table (gtk_list_store_new()), what is the G_TYPE I use for this
|> particular column defn ?
|> 2) How do I refer to this column in a gtk_list_store_set() (i.e. yes, I know I refer to
|> the column number, but what do I pass in for a value ?)
| Progress bars have two properties: value and text.  value should be of
| G_TYPE_INT, while text is STRING and can print text onto the progress
| bar.
| You can then set the values with:
| gtk_list_store_set (..., COLUMN_PERCENT, new_value, COLUMN_TEXT, new_text);

confusion again... :( COLUMN_PERCENT, and COLUMN_TEXT -- would these be the same column or
different columns. The progress bar is only 1 column, as I understand.

There can be several columns just for a single cell renderer.
Those are the column numbers, I use the next enum for a gtk list store:

With your above example, what would my gtk_list_store_new() look like ? 2 columns for the
progress bar ?

any code snippets for the column(s) creation ?

(or code / projects that you know use this ? (I can look it up if I know the project... :)

I looked at Pidghin, but they created their own custom cell render class. I really prefer
not to do that. :(


store = gtk_list_store_new (N_COLUMNS,

cell = gtk_cell_renderer_progress_new ();
gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview),
                                             -1, "progress", cell,
                                             "value", COLUMN_VALUE,
                                             "text", COLUMN_TEXT,

GtkTreeIter iter;
gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter);
gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter,
                    COLUMN_VALUE, 40,
                    COLUMN_TEXT, "blah", /* see */

Voilà, something that uses these function.

thx, and best rgds,

- -Greg


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