Re: Clone a notebook tab?

Gabriele Greco wrote:

    Is there a way to clone a notebook tab?  I'm writing an
    application where I've laid out the tab using glade.  The tab is
    for controlling a camera, and I may have multiple cameras.  Each
    time I connect one, I'd like to clone a generic tab then reassign
    data associated with the tab just like I do when the first camera
    attaches.  Is there any shortcut other than writing the layout
    completely in code?

Write the layout in a separate glade file and load it multiple times (multiple glade_xml_new(), glade_xml_get_widget()).
Except I can't create a glade file using glade-3 that doesn't have a toplevel. How do you do this? Hand-edit (blech)? And glade_xml_new() takes a root widget so I was thinking I could just reference the vbox that contains everything for the new tab. I'm about to try that so I guess I'll find out real fast if it works or not....


                       PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises
roland rlenter com                            6818 Madeline Court
roland astrofoto org                           Brooklyn, NY 11220

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