Re: Cell Renderer Combo Callback

Thanks, but it still doesn't work.  I think the problem is in getting
the iter for the list store which is used in the combo render or it
might be working and just not getting rendered to be visible.  I'm
fairly sure the problem is in the callback.

On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 13:47 +0200, Damien Caliste wrote:

Le 12/09/2007, dhk <dhkuhl optonline net> a écrit :
I have a combo render in a treeview and I can't get the callback to
set the value once it's selected.
I didn't test the code you gave, so can't be sure, but I suggest to
remove the « "text", "Stock", » property from the combo rendrer.
  g_object_set(G_OBJECT(renderer), "model", ls_combo,
                                   "text-column", 0,
                                   "text", "Stock",
                                   "has-entry", FALSE,
                                   "editable", TRUE,
In my own code, I also create my column with the "text" attribute
pointing to the right column id of my model:
col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes("ItemType", renderer,
                                             "text", 0, NULL);
That's the only differences I can figure out.

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