Re: Question about GtkComboBox entry....

Russell Markus wrote:
I am a Glade/GTK newbie and I am building an application similar to a chat
program.  I have a GtkComboBox field where the user can type in his message
and I would like to be able to send the message when the user presses the
enter key.  Currently, when the user presses the enter key, the combo list
drops down.  Is there a way to trap the enter key so that I can send the

Thanks for any help.

Russell Markus
Sr. Software Engineer
IPMobileNet, Inc.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list gnome org

Use the "key-press-event" if the keycode is the enter key, and return TRUE from the handler to prevent the event from being further propogated. I created a little demo app for which the source can be seen here:

- Micah Carrick
 Freelance Developer |

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