Re: Displaying a (simple) list of strings

--- Matí­as Alejandro Torres <torresmat gmail com> wrote:

An example of a GtkTreeView with a couple of strings.

About the 10 items limit I don't know how to do that. Maybe if you can 
get the requested size of a row ( gtk_cell_renderer_get_size () ), 
multiplying it by 10 and  setting this size to the GtkTreeView (plus 
headers and stuff) but is an error prone approach to me.
¿Anyway are you sure that limiting the amount of items that can be 
displayed is comfortable to the user? Maybe if you pack the widgets 
well, you won't need that.

Hi Matias,

That was exactly what I was looking for - thanks! The reason for the NN items limit
is that this widget will be displaying rows of data values retrieved from a server
and the number of rows could potentially be in the thousands. So instead of
displaying all the data, I'll limit the list widget to NN and add next/previous
buttons beneath the list to iterate over the data.

As for the fixed size of the tree view widget, after playing around with the table
layout widget I think I have an idea how I can size the list so that it's always a
fixed size.


Salman Ahmed

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