Re: Difference between GdkPixbuf and GdkPixmap

2007/8/24, Mike Melanson <mike multimedia cx>:
What is this program intended to do? Something that has to update the
frame often, like a video player? Or an image viewing app where things
don't change often.

It's a card game. It's not always refreshing, but if the three
computer handled players drop a card on the table, each time I need to
redraw everything. That's three times the blit of a  500x500 surface,
plus 8x4 cards maximum to copy to the surface with either
gdk_draw_pixbuf or gdk_draw_drawable.

The results were pretty slow. Good looking[1], but slow. I suppose
this is caused by the the client->server traffic for the pixbuf to be
drawn each frame.

What facility are you using for profiling? 'top'? Some other tool? Or
does it just 'feel' slower?

nothing, it's just damn slow like click... wait....wait... ok now you
can move the card.

Again I must say it's just when playing through XDMCP, so that's kind
of unnatural situation, but again I want to know how to get a pixmap
from a file, and blit it to a drawing area pixmap without losing the
alpha and get a result similar to using gdk_draw_pixbuf

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