Re: dynamic combo entry

Jim George wrote:
On 8/7/07, Dave Howorth <dhoworth mrc-lmb cam ac uk> wrote:
Jim George wrote:
It may not be exactly what you want, but gtk_entry_set_completion might help.
It looks interesting. I've found the page in the reference manual and it
says lots of things that sound intriguing but I'm having trouble
grasping exactly what a GtkEntryCompletion can do :(  Are there any
tutorials or examples to help me understand what it's capable of?

Cheers, Dave

Here's a quick example:

I use this when asking the user for a remote host name. I store a list
of most-recently-used hosts, which populates the completion list. When
the user types in a host name, if the first few characters match, a
list pops up with all the remaining matches. Unfortunately, unlike a
combo box, there's no way for the user to force this list to be shown
(feature request?) In your case though (with 0.5e6 entries), this may
actually be A Good Thing.

Thanks for the example, Jim. It does what I want and I've got a working
application now. What I'm doing is reloading the completion list as the
user types, so a short list of possibilities is visible at all times.

Thanks, Dave

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