Re: Libglade resource consuming question.

On Thu, 2007-08-09 at 12:55 -0400, Carlos Savoretti wrote:
Hi all!
Do I be clear ? (When doubt appears it's probably not...)
Shortly: GladeXml objects with a moderate amount of widgets are
very resource consuming ? or not compared against
xmlDocDumpFormatMemory () result ?

You can take a lot of different approaches depending on what
your priorities are - parsing glade files can be time consuming
as well as memory consuming.

a buffer with glade file contents probably weighs around the
same as a GladeXML tree - but remember - you NEVER have a
GladeXML tree lying around (it only serves the purpose of
creating the widget heirarcy, after that its useless).

If you need to rebuild the hierarchy, you need to keep the
buffer around, if you build everything at once, you
can free the buffer *and the GladeXML object* and just
gtk_widget_show/hide() the built widgets as needed.


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