Re: Aligning label baselines

On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 04:28:42PM -0600, Kevin DeKorte wrote:
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David Nečas (Yeti) wrote:

    for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(labels); i++)
                                      "label", labels[i], "use-markup", TRUE,
                                      "xalign", 0.0,
              "yalign", 1.0,
                         i % 2, i % 2 + 1, i/2, i/2 + 1,

Try that "yalign" and see if that works.

Thanks, it does not work, perhaps I should have listed
things that do not help:

- yalign: to align baselines, labels with superscripts,
  labels with subscripts, labels with both and labels with
  neither have to be aligned differently; the only possible
  use of yalign could be to measure the layout (after any
  text change), emulate the GtkLabel's calculation of text
  placement and calculate such yalign that it gets the
  baseline to a particular position.

- size requests and groups: the label is misaligned inside
  the request, for example the labels in the middle row
  often request the same size.

- single-line mode: it indeed makes all the labels equally
  high, but the height is smaller than the height of a line
  with subscripts and superscripts therefore they start to
  overlap and are misaligned anyway.



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