Re: Implement drag and drop between two TreeViews

OK - I am now handling drag_data_get and drag_data_received. The data is passed using set_text, get_text in the SelectionData. This makes more logical sense and presumably would work between applications. I still have the same basic code as before though (with the same bugs). I still look up what is selected in the list to work out what to pass, and translate the drop coordinates, insert the row and set it up on the other end. Is this what I am supposed to do, or is there a neater way that which lets GTK do most of the work?

tomas tuxteam de wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 03:42:35PM +0100, Christopher Backhouse wrote:

I have two Treeviews (just lists, they use Liststore) and I want to be able to drag entries from one into the other. What is the correct way to do this? I call enable_model_drag_source on one list and enable_model_drag_dest on the other - the gui behaves as if drag-and-drop will work and then doesn't actually do it. Fair enough, I wasn't expecting it to be that easy. So, I hook up to some of the more likely-looking signals and hack this together

def on_drag_data_recieved(self,widget,context,x,y,selection,myno,dunno):        

I have no clue about the Python bindings, but in C you have to implement
at least the "other side" (that is, the source) as a callback for the event
"drag_data_get", which then makes the content available (dispatching on
the content type, that's how source and destination negotiate what type
to use). You register those same content types in the call to

Note that whithin the same app you can pass (pointers to) internal data
structures, whereas for cross-app drag-and-drop you have to convert the
thing somehow. But maybe the Python bindings handle the marshalling for

- -- tomÃs
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