Implement drag and drop between two TreeViews


I have two Treeviews (just lists, they use Liststore) and I want to be able to drag entries from one into the other. What is the correct way to do this? I call enable_model_drag_source on one list and enable_model_drag_dest on the other - the gui behaves as if drag-and-drop will work and then doesn't actually do it. Fair enough, I wasn't expecting it to be that easy. So, I hook up to some of the more likely-looking signals and hack this together

def on_drag_data_recieved(self,widget,context,x,y,selection,myno,dunno):        
        if where!=None:

I am aware that there are lots of things wrong with this:
- it doesn't check where the drag is coming from
- I have to specialcase the empty list
- it ignores 'pos' so things don't always drop exactly where you expect
- it doesn't make any attempt at handling the multiselection case
- it breaks the ability of the list to be reordered (just setting it reorderable in glade used to work, now it doesn't)
- this method would never work between applications (not that I want it to)

With a little more code I could probably fix all these things but it is fairly obvious that this isn't the right way to do it. So how is it supposed to be done? - I would expect that gtk can handle all the dropping it in the correct place stuff itself, shouldn't I just have to handle translating what was in one list into the form the other list needs?

Sorry this question ended up being so long - Chris

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