Re: General question about inheritance of properties in GTK

On Sun, Nov 12, 2006 at 02:41:22AM +0000, Clarity ThroughConfusion wrote:

1. How can I reuse the parent widgets properties along with my new 
properties I have created using g_object_class_install_property?

2. Are the parents properties inherited and set by default in the child?

Properties are inherited as anything else (methods, signals).

If properties were not inhertied, why would abstract classes
(e.g. GtkContainer) bother with registration of properties
no one could use?

3. Do I need to have case statements for each parent property (in addition 
to my new ones) in set_property() function?

No, and it you put them there, they will be never executed.
If you want change the property meaning in a subclass, you
have to re-register the property with



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