Re: Changing (default) keybindings

On Tue, 16 May 2006 16:46:12 -0300, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI
<ekalin bol com br> wrote:

Enrico TrÃger wrote:

On Sun, 14 May 2006 18:59:35 +0200, Enrico TrÃger
<enrico troeger uvena de> wrote:



is there an easy way of changing the default keybindings of stock
items? For example in a file menu, a menu item with the stock id
gtk-open gets (on my system) CTRL-O. Can this be changed and if how?
I read a bit through the API, but didn't find a way.

Does no one have an idea?
The fact is: you shouldn't. These bindings are common to all
applications so that there is a common behaviour: pression CTRL+O in
any application will bring the Open dialog, and so on.
Ok, that is one of the answers I wanted to hear ;-).
Users of my app asked for changeable keys, so I thought I make all
changeable. Now I'm convinced, I make only these changeable, which my
app itself defines, and I will let all stock items on their default.



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