Re: Beginner's question: About dialog

You're mixing up the shorthand constructor "gtk_show_about_dialog" with
a dialog of your own.

Just use:

gtk_show_about_dialog ( NULL, // or the parent window
                       "version", version,
                       "website", website,
                        // all other properties
                        NULL); // end on NULL, for end of list

If you want to construct your own dialog, do it as with any other

On Sun, 2006-05-07 at 09:00 +0200, Peter Robinson wrote:
gint create_about_box (void) {
  GtkWidget *aboutdialog;
      const gchar *title ="BSPC";
      const gchar *version = "0.1";
      const char *website ="";;

      gint height = 300;
      gint width  = 400;

      aboutdialog = gtk_about_dialog_new();
      gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(aboutdialog), width, height);
                                     // ^^^^ cast it to GtkWindow*
          gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW(aboutdialog), title);
          // now set the properties
          g_object_set (G_OBJECT(aboutdialog),
                        "version", version,
                        "website", website,
                        "name", title,
                        // follow with all propertires
                        NULL); // end with a NULL for end of list

        gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG(aboutdialog)); // this will make it modal
        gtk_widget_destroy (aboutdialog);
  return 1;
Iago Rubio

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