Re: how to tell gtk to update only the GUI

> I agree the right thing is normally to make the widgets
> insensitive but it is possible to do what Mehmet requested
> too with gtk_grab_add() on some `passive' widget -- see the
> attached example.

That should work, however it doesn't seems to be what I need (gtk_grab_add need at least one gtkwidget).
I should give more information about my case and what solution I have found.

Let say I have two functions do_calc() and do_screen_update(), both know nothing about the GUI, so I have something like:

do_calc ()
        while (1)
        do_screen_update();     // update the screen

I solved my problem by installing my own event handler inside do_screen_update and dropping any GDK_KEY_PRESS, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS ... events. So I have :

void my_handler(GdkEvent *event)
        case (event->type)
        case GDK_KEY_PRESS:

gdk_event_handler_set(my_handler, NULL, NULL);
while (gtk_events_pending())
gdk_event_handler_set(gtk_main_do_event, NULL, NULL);

That way, I don't need to know anything about toplevel windows, I don't need to modify any keypress handler ...


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