Re: Gtk+ Modality Problem

On Thu, Jun 22, 2006 at 10:02:39AM +0200, Atanas Atanasov wrote:
A Windows API person told me that when a window is modal all events
except a small set are filtered out for the back window. This small
set should definitely include paint and clicks and keyboard should be
out of it. Right now since I can resize the window with the mouse,
clearly the clicks are not filtered. Is there a way to set such a
filter so as to force modality further?

I don't know how this works on MS Windows -- although I
would be surprised if window maximizing/minimizing/resizing/...
did not have their own events there and was bound to mouse
and keyboard events -- but at least on X the window is
resized by the window manager.  The app does not get any key
or mouse events related to it, just a configure event.


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