Change GtkTreeViewColumn header background color

There is an easy way to do it, a rc option would be very nice but I've not found it!

Adding a custom object as column header is not ok, since you get your background only under the label (the border and the arrow keep the old background).

Lurking in the sources I've found this way, but it's way too implementation dependant:

    GtkWidget *l = gtk_label_new(title.c_str());
    gtk_tree_view_column_set_widget(col, l);
    GtkWidget *w = gtk_tree_view_column_get_widget(col);

    // From the sources this is the object hiearchy:
    //   get_widget object -> alignment -> hbox -> button

    GtkWidget *b = w->parent->parent->parent;

    GdkColor bg;
    gdk_color_parse("#b8b8b8", &bg);
    gtk_widget_modify_bg(b, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &bg);


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