Re: where to find a specific part of the gnome code?

rupert wrote:
i think its the gnome-volume-manager, i did a grep in /usr on the message
text and found only one file( that contains the term
(Passwort-Phrase). Right now i killed the whole gnome-volume-manager and
restarted it, and the password requests pop up, i looked thorugh the sources
in cvs, but havent found any parts that look like what i need, but i will
try further.

I'm getting a very strange impression,
    do you think you'll find the entire ubuntu distribution source in
gnome cvs ?

I may be mistaken but I'm quite sure that this applet of which you speak
(one that pops up a gtk+ dialog and prompts for a password to feed to
cryptsetup ?) is a fabrication of your GNU distribution and not gnome
(in your case ubuntu right ?).


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