Re: GtkTooltips event handler

On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 09:33 +0100, Gian Mario Tagliaretti wrote:
2005/11/1, Iago Rubio <iago iagorubio com>:

Quoted text is from the doc.

Thanks Iago but I've read the docs myself also before as I usually do,

I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. It was not my intention.

what I don't really understand is what it means "INFERIOR", what is
considered an INFERIOR or an ANCESTOR?

Those notify jumps between child and parent widgets.

If you're on the child you'll receive GDK_NOTIFY_ANCESTOR and in the

So you'll will get GDK_NOTIFY_INFERIOR when the
pointer moves on child windows, and GDK_NOTIFY_ANCESTOR
when it moves on the parent.

I've seen it in code, mostly to avoid to track notifications on composite widgets' child windows, to track 
them in the parent's event box.

if ((event_widget == widget) &&
      (event->detail != GDK_NOTIFY_INFERIOR))

Iago Rubio

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