Re: Using GObject library to create a lot of objects

FabrÃcio Barros Cabral wrote:
Hi people!

I'm thinking develop an application using the GObject library, but I
have a dilemma: use or not use the GObject library. This application is
object-oriented but will be able to create-use-destroy a lot of objects
(10.000 or more) during the execution of this application.

Thus, my question is: I should or I shouldn't use the GObject to make my
objects? What is the impact of the overhead due using it?

I suggest that you use GObject only if you need some of its functionality,
for instance reference counting or signals (they are good, but you don't
always need them.)  I bet the overhead for 10.000 or even 100.000 objects
will not be significant, but the best way to know is to try and see.

I personally don't use them in my application, but that is because I don't
use reference counting and because I like keeping my internals independent
of GTK+/GLib.  In the only case where I need signals, I use a GObject
wrapper over my internal structure/object.


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