Re: GtkComboBox events

Thanks for the suggestion.  No, I wasn't setting the event mask. 
However, setting the event mask doesn't help I still get no events. 
After reading the function documentation, I also tried:

gtk_widget_set_events(control->control, GDK_ALL_EVENTS_MASK);

I also tried using three gtk_widget_add_events() calls.  

I didn't mention this in my previous email, but I'm running GTK 2.4 on
Fedora Core2 if that makes a difference.

Is it possible that the ComboBox widget doesn't emit very many events
since its a new control?  Or are the events emitted by a child control
and just not documented?  I guess its time for me to dig into the
combobox code.

On Mon, 2005-01-10 at 11:47, Paolo Costabel wrote:
Did you do

gtk_widget_set_events(control->control, GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | 


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