Re: Newbie questions on themes and engines

In Vol 12, Issue 12 Iago Rubio wrote

On Wed, 2005-04-06 at 09:42 -0500, Eckhoff, Michael A wrote:
1. Is there a discussion some where on themes and engines? 
Do these terms refer to the same thing?

No, read this
The first and second paragraphs should be enough. 

Thanks for this link. I don't believe this is reachable via

2. Who sets the default theme for gtk+ applications? Does this default 
come with the package or does my Linux vendor (Suse in my case) have 
anything to do with it?

Check the .gtkrc file in your home directory. 

Funny. I don't have .gtkrc in my home directory. 
I've been using suse's KDE, not that I dislike GNOME. 
Perhaps that's a problem. 

I noticed on gtk-list Digest, Vol 12, Issue 9 
Re: 'File Choose Dialog' can't work in KDE? (John Cupitt)
some KDEs (eg. suse) install themes (eg. geramik) to make gtk apps
look more KDE-like, these themes can cause problems

and, come to think of it, I believe I observed the same thing.
None of my widgets look like those in the books or the tutorial,
especially the GtkFileSelection browser in Warkus' book.
So I think Suse is messing with GTK+.

3. What other themes are available,

and how do you invoke them? e.g., as a command-line 
option like ./helloworld --alternate_theme

Try gnome-theme-manager, on the "Preferences" menu the "Theme" entry. 

Guess its time to change my desktop from KDE to GNOME.
In "C++ GUI Programming with Qt3", they show how to select
different themes, examples being
./age -style=Platinum
./age -style=Motif
./age -style=Windows

etc., so I was hoping this feature was available in GTK/GNOME.
Is it possible to effect this usage?

Thanks for your help.


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