Exit from a window but the process still alive.

   Hello everybody, when I exit from some applications I wrote myself
(for GNOME 2.6), the process is not killed though the window gets
killed. If I press the "X" button, it quits, but the process is still
alive. I use:

void main ()

//all the initialization here
return 0;
//this is the end

   I've been taking a look at some GPL apps, but some of them just do
the same thing and the processes get killed right. Some of them define
handlers for the delete_event, but I haven't seen any program getting
the PID of the process and killing it or anything like that.

   Warning: I may be leaving unfreed pointers. I suspect that maybe
GTK/GNOME doesn't like unfreed resources and doesn't terminate the
process, but I don't really know.


"Nunca antes en toda la Historia hemos visto compañias
proteger los modelos de negocios basados en tecnologia obsoleta
contra la destruccion creativa de nuevas tecnologias. ...
El telegrafo no impidio el telefono, el tren no impidio el automovil."
---Howard Rheingold.

"Never before in history have we been able to see incumbent
businesses protect business models based on old technology
against creative destruction by new technologies. ...
The telegraph didn't prevent the telephone, the railroad
didn't prevent the automobile."
---Howard Rheingold.

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