Re: atk compiled using msvc6

I vote for making branches of gtk runtime environment, for example
branches will be:
1. compiled using gcc with speed optimizations
2. compiled using gcc with size optimizations
3. compiled using msvc6

Are you volunteering? Anybody is of course free to provide as many
different builds of an Open Source software package as she likes.

But I don't understand why this would be needed for GTK on Windows,
when the Linux distributions feel fine to provide GTK (and all other
packages) compiled just one way (optimized for speed,
presumably). Heck, no commercial software provider for Windows gives
you the choice either.

4. maybe some others compilers could be used, bcc ?

That would be a good idea (only) if the ABI of bcc-generated code
isn't binary compatible with gcc/MSVC -compiled. Is it?


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