Re: Auto Scrolling

On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 13:46 -0700, Leo Przybylski wrote:

I'm trying to tail a file using a GtkTextView. Is that the right way I 
should be going about it? Does anyone have examples or anything for an 
autoscrolliing GtkTextView ???


Here is code I cut from my specialized terminal app in python.  I hope
it is readable enough.  It should if you know python at all.

#!/usr/bin/env python

# A constant that represents the maximum distance from the
# bottom of the slider for the slider to stick.  Too small and
# you won't be able to make it stick when text is added rapidly
SLIDER_CLOSE_ENOUGH = 0.5 # of the page size

        # a portion of the global init code
        dprint("TERMINAL: get & connect to vadjustments")
        for x in TABS[:-1]:
            adj = self.term.scrolled_window[x].get_vadjustment()
            self.term.vadjustment +=  [adj]
            id = self.term.vadjustment[x].connect("value_changed",self.set_scroll)
            self.term.vhandler_id += [id]
            # create autoscroll end marks to seek to &
            end_mark = self.term.buffer[x].create_mark(("end_mark"+str(x)), 
self.term.buffer[x].get_end_iter(), False)
            self.term.end_mark += [end_mark]

    def set_scroll(self,  vadjustment):
        """Sets autoscrolling on when moved to bottom of scrollbar"""
        self.term.auto_scroll[self.term.current_tab] = ((vadjustment.upper - \
                                                        vadjustment.get_value()) - \
                                                        vadjustment.page_size < \
                                                         (SLIDER_CLOSE_ENOUGH * vadjustment.page_size))


   def append(self, num, text, tagname = None):
        """ Append text to a text buffer.  Line numbering based on
            the process window line count is automatically added.
            BUT -- if multiple text buffers are going to be updated,
            always update the process buffer LAST to guarantee the
            line numbering is correct.
            Optionally, text formatting can be applied as well
        line_number = self.term.buffer[TAB_PROCESS].get_line_count() 
        iter = self.term.buffer[num].get_end_iter()
        lntext = '000000' + str(line_number) + ' '
        self.term.buffer[num].insert_with_tags_by_name(iter, lntext[-7:] , 'linenumber')
        if tagname == None:
           self.term.buffer[num].insert(iter, text)
           self.term.buffer[num].insert_with_tags_by_name(iter, text, tagname)
        if self.term.auto_scroll[num] and num == self.term.current_tab:

Brian <dol-sen telus net>

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