Re: Windows builds of GLib 2.4.1, atk 1.6.0, Pango 1.4.0 and GTK 2.4.1

On Sat, 22 May 2004, Tor Lillqvist wrote:

Allin Cottrell writes:
 > I've just tried this build.  Most things are good, but when I set lang
 > to something other than English (on XP and win89) I'm getting a crash
 > in intl.dll (the one referenced on your site).

With what application is that? Have you tested with other
applications? What languages have you checked? How do you set the
language, by an environment variable, or by using the Control Panel's
Regional Settings?

Sorry, my bad.  It seems I somehow got something crossed-up in
switching from the old to the new gtk win32 runtime.  I reinstalled
the new runtime and now it's all fine.

Allin Cottrell

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