RE: tutorial for a GTK newbie

hi pros,

I don't claim to be a pro, but hi :)

i want to know what is the recommended way to start programming with
i already have the Glade and the GTK tutorial with me

Personally I would _ALWAYS_ advise using libglade and glade to generate
the interface, it makes it much easier to change things quickly.  

should i use the XML file and libglade or should i stick with glade?
help will be appreciated

OK, I think you may have misunderstood how it fits together.

- Glade generates an XML file from the interface you design (and code if
you like).
- Libglade allows your application to read that XML file and load the
window for you (if you generate the source and look at the interface.c
file, the code in there is basically what it runs to show your window).

If you need further examples/help let me know.


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