Re: Java Versus gtk

John (J5) Palmieri wrote:
I still want to see Qt working on Windows with MinGW.
And there isn't a Free license for Qt on Windows. So, use Qt for cross 
platform development seems almost as useful as using MFC.

Unless I'm missing something, you don't need special license for working
on Windows.  GNU GPL doesn't permit weird restrictions such as strict
binding to a fixed OS, does it?

I think the Windows/Mac bindings are not licensed under the GPL.  Only
the X11 source is.  The bulk of QT is dual licensed by Troll Tech but
since they own the copyright on what they ship (to my knowledge they
don't incorporate outside extensions) they are free to put the Windows
and Mac code under any license they want.  That is my take on it, you
need to talk the QT guys for more detail.  

I didn't think of this possibility.  Yes you are right, I checked
on their site.  In theory, Windows/Mac code can be reimplemented

Anyway, I prefer GTK+ since it is much cleaner.  And I like C too.


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