Re: Hide window while "busy"

Hi Goran,

On Fri, 6 Feb 2004 18:45:21 +0100 Goran Raki__ <gox devbase net> wrote:

When the user pushes a button in a window my program starts a pretty long
process. During this process I want the window to disappear, but when
calling either gtk_widget_destroy(data);
the window becomes disabled, but is still there.
I think that's because gtk_main is waiting for the button-function to
finish, and the button-function is waiting for the process.

Or you have single thread in your application, and gtk hide function is idle 
function, so it will be executed only when you have idle cpu time wich you 
donot have.

Maybe invoking the mainloop after hiding (but before starting
calculation) does help:
        while (gtk_events_pending ())
                gtk_main_iteration ();

Thorsten Maerz          <torte netztorte de>

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