Re: emitting a signal (deleting a window)

Richard Gipps wrote:

I am having trouble making an application close when I use my
File->Exit menu.  I have a File Exit signal handler:

void on_File_Exit_activate(GtkMenuItem* menuitem,GtkWidget* Main_wnd)

which I thought would 'send' a delete_event to the main Window which
has the following signal handlers:

gboolean on_Event_Delete(GtkWidget* widget,GdkEvent* event,gpointer
      if(is_object_created == TRUE) //free memory allocated for the
      CAD object      (*object_delete_func_ptr)(network);
      return(FALSE); //do not prevent window from being closed

void on_Event_Destroy(GtkWidget* widget,GdkEvent* event,gpointer

This works correctly for the delete_event which is emitted when I
press the X in the corner of the window, but not using the File->Exit
menu.  Any help would be much appreciated.

I use a different approach. I wrote an own function to delete any
window. It's apparently a bit more low level so presumably slightly
faster. My function not only accepts a GtkWindow but any widget within
the window to be closed. It'll determine the associated window by
itself. You could use this function instead of your
gtk_signal_emit_by_name () call and hopefully it should work.

I assume you have made sure that your on_File_Exit_activate () gets
called at all when you select the menu item?

void window_send_delete_event (GtkWidget *widget) {
 GtkWindow *window;
 GdkEvent   event;

    g_assert (widget);
    while (widget->parent) {
        widget = widget->parent; }
    window = (GtkWindow *) widget;
//            "Sending delete event to window %s",
//            gtk_widget_get_name ((GtkWidget *) window));
    memset (&event, 0, sizeof (GdkEvent));
    event.any.type = GDK_DELETE;
    event.any.send_event = TRUE;
    event.any.window = ((GtkWidget *) window)->window;
    gtk_main_do_event (&event);

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