Re: Separators not being drawn in GtkItemFactory

On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 15:59:55 +0000
Ian Bell <ian redtommo com> wrote:

I just checked some of my own separators in 
item factory menus and they are NULL, 0, 0 in the middle rather than
NULL, NULL, 0 as you have.  Mine do work so it may be worth a try.

        Thanx for the reply!! Your change did not help but I did some more
debugging and I found out something really interesting. The separators
are not present in only one of the menus. Even better, they are actually
present just not shown on the screen. When moving the mouse, it behaves
just as there is a separator. I just don't see it...

        I don't really know what to make of that

Mitko Haralanov
voidtrance at comcast dot net
"If that makes any sense to you, you have a big problem."
                -- C. Durance, Computer Science 234

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