
I have a "for" that produces a few buttons(their label
is contained in an array).
I want to g_print the label of the button that is
being pressed(actually do somenthing more, but this
will do for my question).
Is there any function that returns the label  of a
button? because if I do something like this it won't
work :

struct action_var{
    gchar simb;
    gchar ex;
    gint rez;
    gint add;

typedef struct action_var action_var ;


for (col = 0 ; col <3 ; col++)
                        act_var.simb = *jos[col];
                        but = gtk_button_new_with_label( jos[col] );
                        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT (but) , "clicked",
G_CALLBACK(action) ,*act_var);
                        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbx) , but , TRUE ,
FALSE , 4);

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