Re: The HIG and Layout

Jacob Kolding wrote:

People have been complaining that my app (
doesn't follow the HIG, so I've been truing to change it accordingly.
But I just can't figure out how to obtain the following layout,
especially the lower part of the picture.

How many Frames Tables HBoxes VBoxes in what order and with what
spacing and border width are required to obtain the above layout?

Well, fortunately I had about 20 minutes to spend so I tried to figure
it out exactly. You may still save one or two widgets if you use more
static layout but you shouldn't do that! Font attributes as in your
example can't be set using Glade but require slightly more programming
effort (which I didn't invest).

My approach uses one VBox, two Tables, some HBoxes and the actual
widgets to achieve basically the same layout you requested, just a bit
more aligned and dynamic.

The VBox is purely optional. It's just to segregate the two bottom
buttons (I kept them dynamic as well) from the other fields when the
dialog gets resized. Spacings and paddings are set rather arbitrary to
get close to your screenshot. It's certainly a matter of taste but I
would prefer less spacings / paddings and therefore smaller dialogs.
Feel free to examine and perhaps make use of it:

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