Re: Iterating through children

Ok, so you want a function to be called for *every* child widget of the toplevel window ?

With or without glade, you're going to need a reference to the toplevel.

If you want to reference the toplevel without useing a global pointer,
then you could use something like:
within whatever callback you want.

The following example shows "a way" to "itterate through children" without
naming your widgets or anything like that.


       You might want to note the complete irrelevence of the name
you choose for your 4 byte address space used to reference a UI object
and the dynamicly allocated charachter array stored in
GTK_WIDGET(object)->name which is used by the theeme engine
to associate graphic files to UI objects.

           GTK_CALLBACK(ui_itterator), NULL);

void ui_itterator(GtkWidget *wid, gpointer unused)
   if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER(wid)) {
           GTK_CALLBACK(ui_itterator), NULL);
} my_func(wid);

void my_func(GtkWidget *wid)
/* this func gets called for every widget that is child of "toplevel_window" */



Dimitar Haralanov wrote:

On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 12:05:35 +0200
Gus Koppel <gtk spamkiller bytechase cx> wrote:

That's basically the same thing my function does. There are just two
main differences:
1. my function operates independently from Glade, has no particular
  external references and doesn't need any extra precautions like
  Glade's GLADE_HOOKUP_OBJECT lists.

        This is not entirely accurate, unfortunately (at least in my case).
Using your function, I can't just find any widget! gtk_widget_get_name
() returns the type of the widget that I am passing to it and not the
name of the variable which points to the widget. For instance, if I have
the following;

        GtkWidget *widget;
        gchar *name;
        widget = gtk_check_button_new ();
        name = gtk_widget_get_name (widget);

        Now name will contain 'GtkCheckButton' and not 'widget'. Therefore, I
can use it as I can use the libglade function. To use an example, I need
something that will do the following:

        GtkWidget *this;
        GtkWidget *that;

        (in some callback)
        GtkWidget *widget = <lookup_function> (that, "this");
        And at that point widget will be a pointer to this.

I personally dislike such ideas.

        Me too and that is why I am trying to figure out a way to do this but
so far nothing!!

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