Re: Iterating through children

On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 12:05:35 +0200
Gus Koppel <gtk spamkiller bytechase cx> wrote:

That's basically the same thing my function does. There are just two
main differences:
1. my function operates independently from Glade, has no particular
   external references and doesn't need any extra precautions like
   Glade's GLADE_HOOKUP_OBJECT lists.

        This is not entirely accurate, unfortunately (at least in my case).
Using your function, I can't just find any widget! gtk_widget_get_name
() returns the type of the widget that I am passing to it and not the
name of the variable which points to the widget. For instance, if I have
the following;

        GtkWidget *widget;
        gchar *name;
        widget = gtk_check_button_new ();
        name = gtk_widget_get_name (widget);

        Now name will contain 'GtkCheckButton' and not 'widget'. Therefore, I
can use it as I can use the libglade function. To use an example, I need
something that will do the following:

        GtkWidget *this;
        GtkWidget *that;

        (in some callback)
        GtkWidget *widget = <lookup_function> (that, "this");
        And at that point widget will be a pointer to this.

I personally dislike such ideas.

        Me too and that is why I am trying to figure out a way to do this but
so far nothing!!

Mitko Haralanov
mitko keyresearch com

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